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Think like God thinks.

With God all things are possible.

This is what saves me. This is what pulls me out of ego, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. But what does this really mean.

Well if Anything is possible, then thinking like God thinks would mean there are no reasons why life can't be exactly as we want it. But most of the time it isn't....... So now what?

This is because we don't and I certainly don't think like GOD thinks. I have to remind myself constantly that all things are possible. And still do I truly believe it?

I think that if we thought like God thought every second of every day, we would be happy, anything WOULD be possible, and life would be amazing, amusing, and fun.

If only there was a way to remember this every few seconds. Think like God thinks.

I know if I did I would have more patience while driving. I would smile more. I would have more patience with everyone in my life. I wouldn't feel so frustrated when people made decisions that I disagreed with. I wouldn't feel like I NEEDED to do anything. I would watch everything in life with amazement. I would love without wanting anything from anyone. I wouldn't need anyone or anything to be different than they already are.

Is this too tall of an order to ask of a person living in this physical world playing the game of Life?

Is it possible to think like God thinks? Would it take years of meditating, discipline and practice in order to even come close to living in this manner.

Am I setting myself up to fail by even considering this being possible? Is it possible for you? Is it possible for others?

At times just saying, "Anything is Possible" can completely change my thinking, but at other times I am filled with nothing more than doubt. To think like God thinks would be an absence of all doubt.

Maybe its about finding something powerful enough that works for each one of us individually. I have heard many religious people use the phrase "What would Jesus do?" Which may work for them.

I wonder what would work for me. What do you think would work for you?

"What would love do?", "What would source do?", "What would God do?", "What would Spirit do?".

It would have to be powerful enough to really transform your thoughts in the midst of the dramatic ego controlling your thoughts and actions.

All these words mean the same thing to me (Love, God, Source, Spirit), yet depending on how they are used each one carries a different power.

It would be an accomplishment if I even succeeded at remembering this a few times a day, let alone all day.

Maybe I could actually make this a part of my life and not just another concept I would "like" to adapt but never really come to light.

Instead of focusing on "trying" to make this a part of my life, maybe a better intention is to remind others that, "With God all things are possible, and what would God do" with whatever circumstances they are facing.

It's another practical way to go beyond the ego and come from the place inside us that is Spirit, to come from our hearts, reconnecting us with Source. I guess thats always the intention. I have noticed that when I am coming from my heart (Spirit), I am happy and joyful. When I am in a place that is dominated by ego is when I experience suffering and pain.

It is such a powerful practice to "Think like God thinks" and come from that place within us.

My intention is not only to remember to live from that place myself but to help others do the same.

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