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Lagging BUT........

I know I haven't been quite on top of it as I would like to be. However, I have been exercising the last three days which was one of the things I had said I wanted to make sure I do.

I can already feel the difference in my energy level. Today I got up and instead of lounging around as I would normally do and slowly wake up. I jumped out of bed with a list of stuff that I wanted to do. I cleaned up a bit, did some laundry, took my son to his grandpa's and then went to the gym.

I have to work tonight so I don't think I will be able to spend anytime on internet marketing, but I have been reading the book "101 ways to promote your business" at work when it is slow. I also have an idea of what direction I am headed in with a product.

I can see I have an average of 20 readers a day already, I would like to encourage everyone to please leave comments. Be open and honest, a simple hi, a suggestion, yell at me when I am slacking... Whatever!!!

It would really motivate me to be more connected with my readers. And I would love hear what things you guys want to learn or would like to see!!!

If you would like to be updated everytime I post a new blog, click the link on the top right that says subscribe reader. You can choose your options of how you are notified.

I look forward to making some real progress real soon and for those of you along for the ride, I promise this will be a learning and inspirational experience!



Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff,
So long as you're making progress in a positive direction, that's the main thing, I believe. It's very easy to beat yourself up for not doing everything faster, quicker, better, but in many ways I think that takes the magic and the fun out of the journey. Just ask me, I've done it countless times, but I think that as I get older and wiser I am understanding more that things aren't necessarily going to happen right exactly when we said they would. So long as you keep your goal clearly in your mind, and keep making positive progress towards that, it will all come to pass in its own good time. If you can let go of the anxiety around the result, and enjoy the process, it will give you much happiness, and I think you become more effective at what you are doing. It all means that you need to have faith that the result will come, and get on with your part of the task, which is to carry out the steps along the way.

As readers, we want to see what you're doing, and it's so much more fun, and so much more inspiring, when we can see that you're loving every moment of your journey. On the other hand, if in your writing you beat yourself up for not having taken a certain step today, it reminds us of our own sorry failures, and that's not a good thing. There are 20 of us out here getting right into your story. If you miss a day of progress, please share some of your thoughts, because it's almost certain that even if you don't get to sit down and do the work, that you've been thinking about it, and that's actually part of the process.

Go Tiffany!


Ella said...

Oh boy, can I relate! I'm trying to 'grow' my business--Jewels by Park Lane--by utilizing the internet as well. I have a website--a myspace page-a blog, http://luna-chyck.blogspot.com/
Anything you learn and would like to share--I'd be most happy to learn and visa-versa. Do you have a
particular business, or are you just learning internet marketing?
I'm a writer, too, so I started by trying to market my book, then got involved with a Jewelry business to suppliment my income.
Keep in touch.
BTW I read your post at Earth Based Spirituality.
LadyRavenHawk aka Ella

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