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What are affirmations and why do they work?

I am not a scientist or doctor but I will describe what affirmations are to me!

Take it or leave it.

Through out the years of focusing on personal growth and development, it became evident that no matter how much you worked on some "issues" and how much you focused on it them, you always seem to fall back into old habits.

I know I sure do. And it can be frustrating and confusing.

But why does this happen?

From everything I have studied and experienced here is a short version of what I have learned.

Our minds are built on everything experienced in the past. Our upbringing, childhood, and all other past experiences have built certain beliefs that we operate from daily.
Some of these beliefs can hinder or even prevent us from obtaining things we want today.

Without going into a long drawn out explanation. If you believe you were meant to be fat, or you don't deserve a good partner or life is always hard for you this is what will be true for you.

This is what you will experience, this is what your mind searches for and looks for.


No matter how hard you work at changing your habits or patterns you must change the belief that causes those habits and patterns.

Affirmations can be one way to do that! Yes, this is just one tool you can utilize to transform your beliefs. But it is one of the most powerful tools I have come across.

If you have a belief that life will always be hard. Create a positive affirmation to counter that negative or limiting belief. Such as "Good things come easy to me" "Good things always happen to me", "I love my life", etc...

Think of it as weeds and flowers. Your positive beliefs are flowers and your negative beliefs are weeds. Water (your thoughts, writing, affirmations, etc.) the flowers, not the weeds.

Every time you repeat a positive present affirmation, you care fertilizing that flower.

Here is the problem, every time you think, write, say, anything negative, you are watering that weed!!!!!!

"Watering" the flower makes it stronger!
As the flower becomes stronger than the weed, what info/experiences do you think your mind is looking for and supporting?

So what do you think you will start experiencing?

As you start to change your perception the "weed" will slowly wither away, it will gradually have less and less "water" to keep it alive and will eventually die.

This can be a slow process depending on how deeply ingrained the negative beliefs are. Although some limiting beliefs could be changed rather quickly.

However if you think of every thought, every action of either watering a "weed" or a "flower" you will see change immediately.

And why would you want to spend one more second "watering" a "weed" that makes you feel bad?

Every single time you say, write, or think positive powerful affirmations you are planting "seeds" of empowerment in that area of your life.

Pretty soon those affirmations become automatic beliefs which you will eventually truly believe about yourself and your life.

And remember
"Whatever you believe, is true for you"
"Your thoughts create your reality"

How many years have you spent watering those "weeds" and most of the time automatically?

I think its time to plant some flower then water them, because you deserve to be happy!

Leaving you with this:
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
- Unknown


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