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Can you really use Subconscious Mind Power? How does it work?

"Subconscious Mind Power"

Too good to be true?

I am currently in the middle of a four week home study course by John Kehoe, called "Mind Power". The power of the mind or better the power of the subconscious mind is a passion of mine. I must say I have studied the mind a lot, actually the mind is absolutely intringing to me, it amazes me and I love to learn about it. So when I was introduced to John Kehoe's program, I thought it might just be more of what I already know.

But to make a long story short, T. Harv Eker highly recommended it and I seen John Kehoe himself, eating where I was having lunch one day so I figured the universe was trying to tell me something and thought I would give it a whirl.

And I must tell everyone, this program (If followed and practiced) is absolutely life
changing. I have been in the process of the "Mind Power" program for about two and half weeks now and I am already seeing my world very differently and things are already starting to happen. IT HAS ONLY BEEN TWO WEEKS.

The power of the mind is absolutely incredible. And actually it is the power of your Subconscious mind that has all the magic.

This is my chance to master life! Your subconscious mind power can change your life and it is changing mine.

Here is the book:

Or you can visit his site Learn Mind Power .

I truly believe in this guys expertise and process.

Due to this process I am becoming extremely aware of my thoughts, almost naturally. I am also becoming cautious about what I "feed" my brain. So instead of listening to my regular music preference I decided to listen to some music that would be good for my thoughts and plant positive subconscious "seeds". So I have been listening to a CD that is really starting to trigger my thoughts.

I wake up in the morning with these lyrics in my head. It made me think, if these songs are having that much of an affect on me in just two weeks of listening to it while I am driving in my car, how much of an affect does everything else I listen to and watch have on me.

Anyway, I find myself singing the lyrics which is pretty powerful especially if you are familiar with the power of the subconscious and conscious mind or John Kehoe's work. But the best part is looking into the back seat of my car and my son is singing "I'm getting rich, doing what I love. I'm a money magnet, money, money, money's coming to me!"

It doesn't get any better than that. So I would like to recommend this CD. I also highly highly recommend it.

Hear life from a higher vibration

I must say there is something to sound healing, this CD has turned me on to educate myself and experience sound healing, I will report my findings.

Everything is energy, we can heal through music, light, love, etc.. Master your Mind, Master your Life!


I joined linkedin, you can visit me there: Tiffany Godinez


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