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Who I really AM!

For the first time I finally experienced what I have known and believed for a while.

I have been on a spiritual path for years now and have educated myself quite well on the subjects of god, human existance, human behavior, sciences, and myself.

If you know me well you have heard me say "We are all one", "Everything happens for a reason", "Everything is Energy", "Where your mind goes energy flows", "We create our reality", etc....

I understood the concepts very well, I even looked to science to back it all up. I embarked on a journey seeking to be the best person I could be and to grow and improve myself as much as possible.

I had heard the concepts that we are whole and complete the way we are, and the answers are within not outside of us and I accepted them but some things can't be fully understood or percieved until you have felt them and experienced them.

Its like reading every book there is on swimming, but never getting in the water. You can explain how the body stays afloat, you can explain the science of the water moving and how it all works. But you don't REALLY know how to swim until you get into the water and SWIM.

I have finally come home. Home to who I am. I do not need to seek ANYTHING. I only need to live from that place inside me that is God/spirit/Love, whatever word can be attached to it.

To truly live in the present moment is to BE LOVE. To know this and to experience it is two COMPLETELY different things.

My life took a turn when I was blessed with this experience.

I again feel inclined to seek. But rather than seeking for answers, I am looking for ways to truly live what I have experienced. I felt who I really am, who we are really are, now living from that place on day to day basis when my life has momemtum and my ego has its roots is going to take some practice.

However its all coming from a different place within me now. I wish I had the words to describe it. Maybe I will. I intend to, as I understand this more and go deeper into it my intentions are to learn how to teach it so others may experience the joy of who they really are.

Immediately after my experience, I operated from such a place of peace where I forgot about myself. I was not disconnected from anyone or anything. I was present in every moment. If you asked me what I wanted to eat in 20 minutes, I didn't know, my immediate reaction was "I'll tell you when I feel hungry." It was beautiful.

I know what I am capable of now, I have felt exactly the way I want to live my entire life. It is so liberating, I had no desires, the moment was PERFECT and everything was so blissful. This lasted for days.

However the knowing that I am whole and complete, that happiness and bliss can be felt no matter what and knowing I am more than I ever imagined, has not left me. It is no longer a "good" concept, it is my truth.

Now living that for the rest of my life and helping others do the same is my intention.

I do not regret seeking outside myself for that is what brought me to the truth.

In summary my only intention is to live in the moment from the love that IS. My quest has taken a significant turn and to most it may not look different but it sure the heck feels different.

For those on a spiritual path I sincerely would love to connect with you. My skype is LOVEGROWTH and my email is LoveGrowth@gmail.com

And for those seeking guidance you may contact me as well.


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