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My experience with Byron Katie

Today I attended a workshop, "Loving What Is" with Byron Katie.

I have been reading about Byron Katie and doing her work for a while now.

I have to say if you are not familiar with Byron Katie, most of her work is free at www.Thework.com.

A lot of things she says are so profound yet so simple its like having multiple aha moments at once listening just by listening to her.

"It's your thoughts that make you secure or insecure." -Byron Katie

Here is an example she has given.  If when you were little you thought your father was in his room, while you were in the kitchen.  You felt secure.  Even though wasn't in the same room with you and you couldn't see him. When really he left to the store without you realizing it and was hit by a truck.  But you still feel secure because you are believing he is in the other room.

Its the belief he is in the other room which makes you feel secure.  Not reality.  It goes the other way around as well.  Its your belief about reality that makes you feel stress, not reality itself.

Byron Katie has said "You can have a heart attack, thinking about how your going to die and you can't believe its happening to you and all the bad things that will follow.  Or you can have a heart attack, thinking how interesting, I am having a heart attack I wonder what happens next.  Either way you are having a heart attack, but you get to choose whether you do it in peace or not.

The best thing we can do is to learn to love reality.  When you love what is, you never suffer, no matter what happens.

We can reach this point by questioning our beliefs and thoughts.

I heard a statistic once that we have around 60,000 thoughts per day and 99% of them are the same thoughts we had the day before and something around that same percentage are the amount of thoughts that are untrue.

Think about this, think about any thought you have.  "I should be..................." Feel in the blank (ex. I should be doing laundry).  And find all the ways his isn't true, why its not true (Well I wouldn't be writing this blog).  However this is just to show how your thoughts can be false.  This is not how Byron Katie does inquiry and I will post her four questions of inquiry below.

Our reality is created by what we believe.  So do you believe thoughts that cause you pain or create peace.  If they cause you any discomfort you can use Byron Katie's The Work, to inquiry and see if they are true.  To find the truth, to find peace.

The work has really started to reshape the relationship that I have with my thoughts and Byron Katie has the most serving way of helping, by offering the work for free.  She even has a support line for free in order to help people with inquiry.

It doesn't hurt to try it.

Lots of love.


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