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Day 2 of Juice Fasting: Not so bad!

Well today was not as bad as I expected.

I woke up with a headache, muscles feel a little tight, and feeling pretty tired and fatigued. I relaxed for most of the day and then went to get a massage in hopes to help release the toxins from the muscles and allow them to relax. When I got up from the massage, my face was super red almost as if I was having an allergic reaction to something on my skin yet nothing was put on my skin. I just figured it was something to do with detoxing and laying face down for awhile.

I considered making an appointment for a colon hydrotherapy treatment but I a little nervous about that since I have heard conflicting stories. Some day it can be painful and some say if done right it shouldn't be painful. I know that during a juice fast toxins build in the colon and its important to get them out. I haven't made the appointment yet we'll see what I do.

Driving home from the massage I started to feel anger. Angry that I "can't" eat. Angry that I had/have all these health issues. Angry that I don't know if they are getting better or if I am going to have more stuff to deal with in the future. Just plain anger. Which is a little odd.

I seem a little bit more conscious of my feelings and more talkative. I have spurts of energy which is really odd where I just want to talk forever. That usually only happens when I am talking to either Albert or my friend Vicki, or if I had been drinking.

It's only day two and I feel a tinge of confidence from this. Probably just because this isn't necessarily easy and yet it something I am doing out of love and care for myself. It feels good that I am actually doing this. I still can't believe it.

I kind of expect tomorrow to be terrible. Just because yesterday or today was not nearly as bad as I expected and others have said, so I assume the worst is still to come.

We'll see how far I make it.


Anonymous said...

I Believe In You and so I believe you can do this!
I think you are stronger than you have given yourself credit for. just keeping saying" your giving it your all"
I Love You My Beautiful Tiffany,

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