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My intention for this life

My ultimate goal of my life is to come to a place where I love reality, enjoy the present, accept everyone and everything for who and what they are.

Most importantly to just love.   To be happy and loving.

The question is how do I get to this place and how do I get back when I have strayed of track?
This blog serves as a reminder.

The only thing I can do is continue with this intent, continue to observe myself, to contemplate, to focus on my own growth, to help others grow, and most importantly to come to love as soon as it is remembered.

I have noticed that I don't get as far off track of this as I used to.  I also come back to it much quicker each time and every time I come back to it, its deeper and clearer.

Although I accept that life will never be perfect, it is my intent to live in this loving place in life as much as possible.

I want to express love, Expect Miracles and Magic, and live in Joy and Gratitude, enjoying my life.

Get Happy

I just listened to a short video about being happy, which I included below.

Its so simple but so powerful.  The answer to everything is to get happy.  Do I go to the gym today?  Yes or No, which one will make me happy.  Do I go  to class today?  Yes or No, which one will make me happy.

It's not about what others think you should do or what you feel like doing.  You do what makes you happy.  Should I stay in this job?  Yes or No, which one will make me happy.

Not what is easy or hard.  But what makes you happy.  It's such a simple way to maneuver through life.

Just listening to the Video made me feel better, inspired and empowered.  Now contemplating the ideas and how it works in my life makes me feel even more wonderful.

I think some singing and dancing is long over do!

Lots of Love

The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World Book Review. Greatest..... Really?

Is it really The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World?

I just finished reading the book, The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World by Carnelian Sage and when I first started reading the book I was going to throw it away.

The first two and half chapters of the book are negative and pretty much do nothing but attack the some of the teachings of the Law of Attraction.

I have to agree that the Law of Attraction is just a very basic level of metaphysics and spirituality. However, most people who are first introduced to the movie, The Secret or any other principles of the law of attraction usually have never considered the fact that they can even choose the thoughts they think.

I think the current ideas of law of attraction and even the movie, The Secret, definitely has its place. I may not completely agree with everything but I can say I LOVE what it is doing. These things are the start of people becoming conscious of their thoughts and focusing on personal and spiritual growth, this alone is worth ANY of the slight disagreements some may have with it.

That being said I am so glad I was at the gym so and decided to continue reading the book Carnelian Sage wrote, The greatest manifestation principle in the world, because what unfolded after the first two chapters was absolutely perfect.

I really wish she would have removed the negative from the book and just spoke of the principle, however I do feel the rest of the book is completely worth getting through the first two chapters or even skipping them.

I 100% agree with the principle Carnelian speaks of in her book. She includes a very powerful exercise which seems too simple, to have any result at all. Yet I tried it, all the while with my ego screaming, "Why bother, nothing ever works for you." But I did the exercise anyways and I was grateful I did. The immediate impact this exercise is worth the entire book alone.

I highly recommend the book, just skip the first two chapters. I won't give away her secrets but for those who know me, I will give you a hint. It's what I tend to speak about as my truth or true self. :o) Carnelian just makes it so direct and simple.


Living Life With A Purpose

Do you know what the purpose of your life is?

In my opinion its what you make it. And if you don't take the time to create or define your life purpose, then your living a life for no defined purpose and with no direction.

I believe spiritually we have a purpose whether we are consciously aware of it or not. However, consciously choosing a purpose for your life can have huge benefits.

Most people without a purpose will fall into a routine of survival or just getting by. I don't know about you but but at least for me,I certainly don't want to live that way. I have bigger aspirations that "just getting by".

When we define our life purpose, it can change many things. Every time we make a decision, we make it based on a purpose rather than what mood we are in that day, or how secure or confident we feel that day, or any of the hundreds of other reasons our decisions vary from day to day.

When you consciously have a purpose for your life, it has an impact on your thoughts, decisions, actions, and creates motivation.

I believe that there is one more very important reason to have a life purpose!!!!!

Have you ever paid attention to how many thoughts you have a day? Our thoughts and beliefs create our reality! So if you give the power of your thoughts over to chance or whatever they default to, you have NO POWER in what type of life you create.

Here is the definition:
Purpose: An anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions.

Even in this definition you can see how powerful a purpose is, let alone a LIFE PURPOSE.

Its easy to find a life purpose and it can change over time, there are many different exercises to help us clearly define what our life purpose is. It could be as simple as asking yourself what your purpose is? This is not what anyone else thinks your purpose is and its not what you have been told your purpose is. Its your life purpose that you decide and choose to live for.

My favorite way of finding life's purpose is to write about it until you almost want to cry or you get emotional about it. Some people have a specific question to ask over and over again until you feel emotional, etc. However I think just writing about your thoughts and feeling in regards to your life purpose will eventually lead you there.

What drives you? What excites you? What would make you wake up everyday with a smile on your face? Think Big! And remember to be Authentic.

Life purpose's can evolve and they will. At first it might not be too clear or defined and as you start making choices according to your purpose and follow that path, the purpose will evolve and become more and more clear.

Give your thoughts a direction, take some responsibility and power in the life you create!

What is your life purpose?

Seeking Approval and Needing Love

I believe most of us go through life wanting to be understand, accepted, loved, cherished, or acknowledged, just to name a few.

Is this wrong? Of course not, but does it allow for a happy, fulfilling life?


Actually in my opinion it makes it impossible. It is impossible to feel any one of these things from even one person all of the time. If this is what we seek, we will always be disappointed at some time or another. Most likely more than not.

It is obvious the degree in which we seek these things vary from person, day, situations, and to time in our lives, however I think we do it so much it has become subconscious. We smile a little bigger than we truly feel, don't interrupt people even when we want, we have an automatic answer to how we are doing, we pretend to care about everyones dramas, we don't call people on their lies, ..... I can go on forever but if you look deeply as why we do these things, its because of how we think we might look to another person.

How would the world be if everyone walked around being 100% authentic. Only saying "I love you", when you absolutely feel it, only smiling when it comes from so deep within that you couldn't stop it if you wanted to, fully expressing that you feel crappy when your having a crappy day, etc..

Byron Katie's work has brought this to my attention and now that I have been aware of it, I have noticed how ingrained it is. At least within myself. I have come to a few realizations.

I notice I pretend behaviors when I know people are looking at me, stand differently, talk differently, I'm polite when I am not even aware that I am saying it (Thank you, Excuse me), stand taller, "appear" confident, pretend not to care, etc.. And this mostly just to people I don't really know and will probably never see again.

And the act is amplified when we are around people in which we want or need something from, especially emotionally. Once you have a need from someone I can almost 100% guarantee that that our behaviors become almost impossible to keep authentic at all times. It could be anything from, not saying what is one your mind knowing you would piss them off, trying to please them, trying to keep them from getting angry, lying completely to avoid hurting their feelings, etc..

And we do these things because we fear losing what we want from them. Most of the time it comes down to their love. But yet these people can't truly love US, if we are not being our true US. Let me say that again in another way. Someone can not love YOU, if you are not being YOU. Someone can not truly love ME for me, If I am not being ME!

If you are pretending AT ALL, even if the person responds with love you will not completely feel it because they are responding to a false YOU, a pretend YOU and whether you consciously realize this or not, it effects how you feel.

As long as we are not being our true selves we can not FEEL the love we yearn for.

As long as we are not expressing ourselves authentically we can not be truly understood.

In this understanding I have come to the conclusion that the only love and approval we need is our own.

Ask yourself , "What would I do in this moment so that I would approve of myself?" NO ONE ELSE.

"What would I do in this situation that is me Loving myself?" "What can I do to Love myself?"

We do not need to impress, please, or gain approval from our family, friends, lovers, spouse, children, co-workers, strangers, authority figures, or anyone.

The only approval YOU need is your own.

That is why it is said that "You can not love anyone until you love yourself", in my opinion this is because if you do not love yourself you are seeking it from another. And if you are seeking something from someone, you can not possibly be giving them something. Your motive is to get.

Next time you become aware of any moment in which you are concerned with how someone else sees or feels about you, stop for a moment and ask how you see or what you feel about yourself. Then take action accordingly.

Enjoy your day. You are the only You.

P.S. I wanted to make it clarify that I don't feel that this discovering is a bad thing.  Actually writing this blog felt very empowering and authentic.  I believe consciously realizing that the only person I really need to focus on love and approval of is of my own felt really liberating.  This is not to imply a selfishness or lack of love for others.  Actually its quite the contrary.  When I don't need love from others, I am free to truly Love them for who they are.  Without my own needs and expectations.  The more I fulfill my own need for love and approval the more I am able to freely love others.
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