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Day 3 of juice fasting: Now it gets hard!

The first two days were much easier than today.

Last night is when it started.  Not only with the detox symptoms but also with the cravings.  Of course my body has to do everything differently.  Out of all the stories I heard not one person said Day 1 and 2 were easier for them.

I had a headache at various times throughout the day and lots of muscle and body aches.  The cravings were kind of intense.  I haven't really experienced much hunger at all, but lots and lots of cravings. And now I am craving food that I wasn't even eating or craving before the fast.  I'm craving all the "bad" or rather yummy foods.  Pizza, Olive Garden, Macaroni and Cheese, and the Mexican Churros from near my fiances work.

I have definitely learned the difference between physical hunger and a mental appetite.  I still have an appetite but no real hunger.

I feel kind of anxious and panicky when I think about still have so many days to go, it feels impossible.  Now I get the idea of one day at a time.

I hope the body aches go away and I experience the good stuff of the fast soon.

Til tomorrow

Day 2 of Juice Fasting: Not so bad!

Well today was not as bad as I expected.

I woke up with a headache, muscles feel a little tight, and feeling pretty tired and fatigued. I relaxed for most of the day and then went to get a massage in hopes to help release the toxins from the muscles and allow them to relax. When I got up from the massage, my face was super red almost as if I was having an allergic reaction to something on my skin yet nothing was put on my skin. I just figured it was something to do with detoxing and laying face down for awhile.

I considered making an appointment for a colon hydrotherapy treatment but I a little nervous about that since I have heard conflicting stories. Some day it can be painful and some say if done right it shouldn't be painful. I know that during a juice fast toxins build in the colon and its important to get them out. I haven't made the appointment yet we'll see what I do.

Driving home from the massage I started to feel anger. Angry that I "can't" eat. Angry that I had/have all these health issues. Angry that I don't know if they are getting better or if I am going to have more stuff to deal with in the future. Just plain anger. Which is a little odd.

I seem a little bit more conscious of my feelings and more talkative. I have spurts of energy which is really odd where I just want to talk forever. That usually only happens when I am talking to either Albert or my friend Vicki, or if I had been drinking.

It's only day two and I feel a tinge of confidence from this. Probably just because this isn't necessarily easy and yet it something I am doing out of love and care for myself. It feels good that I am actually doing this. I still can't believe it.

I kind of expect tomorrow to be terrible. Just because yesterday or today was not nearly as bad as I expected and others have said, so I assume the worst is still to come.

We'll see how far I make it.

Day 1 of Juice Fasting

Day 01 was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

I didn't like juice very much so every time I got a bit hungry I would take a drink of the juice and it made me nauseous taking my hunger away quickly. Towards the end of the day I felt slightly spacey.

I couldn't believe how easy it was for me to just not eat the entire day. Especially since I LOVE food.

Don't get me wrong I fantasize about food all day long and I am not saying it was easy, just much easier than I anticipated.

I didn't get the runs either like I was warned but then again I didn't drink much juice.

Today's juice was Apple, Pear, Broccoli, Celery, Carrots, Lemon, Spinach and Cabbage. I think I put way to much lemon since I really tasted the lemon.

A little scared about what tomorrow has in store for me. Most people say the second day is the worst.

We'll see

The day before my 10 day Juice fast Journey

I have read all about the benefits of fasting over the past couple of years, as well as the benefits of juicing and veggies. But I would have never thought I would be doing a juice fast.

A lot of things had to happen in order to get me to the place I am right now.

After being told I had cancer, tumors, then problems with my cervix all at the young age of 31 years old, I decided to change my health. I started educating myself on nutrition, eating better, and making my health a priority.

Then about a week ago I watched a movie called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and still having many issues with my health, I was inspired to do a juice fast.

I am not the type of person to do things like this. I love food, I love all the "wrong" foods and I would have never thought I would be even thinking about juice fasting for one day let alone 10.

But here I am! I have already eaten my last meal, brown rice spaghetti's noodles with organic tomatoes and basil. Yummmmm

Now I am getting a little nervous about all of this. I researched juice fasting as much as I possible could. I tried to prepare as much as possible in regards to knowing what to expect, having the support I believe I will need, and getting very clear about why I am doing this.

So................ I know this is going to be challenging. I know the next few days are going to be particularly hard and that scares me. In the past I have not done well with anything that was challenging. I tend to want to give up. I know If I give up during my juice fast, I will feel really bad but I also know the chances of me giving up are high since this is not going to be anything close to easy.

I think I am more scared about whether I can make it through this or not than the idea of not eating. No matter how much I have grown or evolved I still have some unsupportive habits of allowing my emotions and moods to have to control at times when things get difficult.

I want to accomplish 10 days of a juice fast. I want to succeed, its very important to me and my body.

We'll see what happens!


Life just never happens the way we plan!

I believe that life never goes as planned. And I don't like that, its not comforting and at the moment actually rather upsetting.

Some, very few, will say that life unfolds better than what we had planned. But what I hear in that statement is pain. What I hear is you don't get what you want out of life? And that just sucks.

Maybe I am just having a moment but I was a bit disturbed when this concept was pointed out to me.

So if I plan to spend the rest of my life with the man I love, that means it won't unfold that way because that is what I plan.
If I plan to have two more kids, that means it won't happen because I plan it that way.
If I plan on being happy and healthy for a long time, that means it won't happen because I plan it that way.
If I go to school, educate and train myself so that I can be successful in business and have a rewarding and fulfilling career that means it won't happen because I plan it that way.

How can that not be depressing?

I have read so many self help books with such opposing opinions on this subject. Some preach "He who fails to plan, plans to fail." others say "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making plans" and even “Seek not that the things which happen should happen as you wish; but wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life." or "Go with the flow."

I have been taught that our intentions are what creates our life/future but isn't that planning something, intending it to be so?

I am coming to the conclusion that we have no choice but to go with the flow of life. No matter what we plan we have no control over what actually unfolds. Yet we try so very very hard to dictate how our lives go.

With every fiber in my being I hope to get to spend the rest of my life happily with the man I love. But confronting the fact that not only are his choices not in my control but more disturbing my own choices, feelings, and life is not really in my control either. This is so disturbing to me. On top of that we can not control what life does to us, accidents, diseases, etc.

I also want to feel good, be happy and live a long healthy life. But no matter what I eat, how much I exercise, or what actions I take I can not control how life unfolds.

The only thing and I mean the absolute ONLY thing we can control is how what happens in life affects us. We can control what we think about, what we put our attention and focus on, and where we put our energy. We have no control over ANYTHING else.

Put simply we can be a victim or we can choose how we respond to what life throws our way. We do not have control over what is thrown our way. We can try and resist as much as we can but the force of life/source/god is powerful beyond any force you may individually have.

Do I trust life not to throw me some mean sh*t? Hell no, I know better. But I hope it spares me a little and at least gives me the things that mean the most to me. My love ones. Even then I will experience loss.

I don't write this to be depressing. Although it can seem that way. I write this as a reality check for myself and for anyone else who may have the desire to read it. I write this because the last three weeks have been a haze and roller coaster wrapped up in one. I had to confront my life, head on. But more importantly as I drew people in closer to me, my eyes were opened to the fact that we all have "stuff" in our lives which we can justify being a victim to, or being depressed about, or sad because of. And I can't control what bad happens to me or to anyone I love. That realization sucks and it hurts. But it also confirms how important it is to choose my thoughts and how I feel, its the only thing I have control over.

I have a dozen things to be sad about, I also have a dozen things to be happy about and I get to choose which things I focus on.

I can focus on how it sucks to know that there is pain in my life and in my future and try my hardest to control and manipulate it to be something otherwise or I can confront and accept that I have no control and release the pressure of trying to do so. There is freedom in accepting that resisting what life throws at us does not mean sh*t won't happen. I have been resisting pain and sucky things happening to me ever since I can remember, well I can promise you it hasn't stop them from happening.

I love that I have an innate skill of giving people "reality checks" . Do you know why? No, I'm not evil (its always out of immense love) its because although a reality check stings at first and usually not for long, it is almost always followed by the world opening up for that person, a huge realization, extreme growth, and eventually a lot more joy. It brings people hope again, motivation again, passion, desire, etc. It's one of the best gifts we can give to someone.

I guess I just needed a reality check myself.

Now it's time I learn how to "go with the flow" with a smile on my face.

Lots of Love


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